ChannelCon Keynoter Adam Alter Lays Out 3 Paths to Understanding Your Customers

Customer behavior might seem random, but ChannelCon keynote speaker Adam Alter will explore ways to predict it. Join us to find out how customers spend — and save.

Adam AlterSometimes something as simple as a color can affect human behavior. Take pink, for example, that bubble-gum, Pepto-Bismol pink of cotton candy and Dior dresses. According to ChannelCon keynote speaker Adam Alter, this simple color has been shown to engineer or at least tweak the behavior of people.

Thousands of things affect the way we behave, according to Alter. Even professional cyclists ride faster when they know people are watching. In his New York Times best-seller, Drunk Tank Pink: And Other Unexpected Forces That Shape How We Think, Feel, and Behave, he uses the bubblegum pink example and more to look at the way features of the world shape our thoughts and feelings beyond our control.

“We're evolutionarily sensitive to human surveillance, so we behave more virtuously even if we're only watched by a photograph,” said Alter. “The physical environment, from locations to colors, also guides our hand in unseen ways.”

In this talk, Alter explores how businesses can better understand and predict the behavior of their customers. He begins by explaining why we often misunderstand how customers think, and then goes on to describe how they actually make purchasing decisions. How do they decide whether a new product will be valuable? How do they choose among a set of brands? How can companies present choices and options to maximize the appeal of their products?

“Customer behavior might seem random, but Adam explore ways to better understand and predict what your customers will do — and how you can use the features of consumer psychology to effectively communicate with them,” said Kelly Ricker, CompTIA’s senior vice president of event’s and education.

“He makes really interesting connections between cause and effect and we believe Adam will bring a lot of insight to ChannelCon. We’re looking forward to hearing him talk.”

In his talk, Alter will  also present a series of interventions that enable companies to communicate with customers more effectively and compellingly.

Alter will deliver his keynote address at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 4 at ChannelCon, sharing the stage with CompTIA president and CEO Todd Thibodeaux. ChannelCon will be held Aug. 3-5 at the Hilton Chicago on Michigan Avenue. Read more about the event and register on the ChannelCon website.

Michelle Peterson is a communications specialist for CompTIA.

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