CompTIA Exam Security Hotline

CompTIA takes the security of our certification exams seriously. One of our primary goals is to ensure the highest integrity of exam content and fairness for all candidates during the delivery of CompTIA’s certification exams.

To this end, CompTIA is providing this form for the purposes of reporting any of the following activities:

  • Cheating and/or suspicious behavior observed at a test site during the delivery of a CompTIA exam.
  • Use of unauthorized training materials by candidates taking CompTIA exams.
  • Candidates taking photos or making copies of CompTIA exam questions or exam materials.
  • Individuals posting CompTIA exam content on any public Internet site or distributing printed copies at conferences or other public forums.
  • Misconduct by an authorized proctor or test center administrator; such as assisting candidates by providing answers or allowing candidates to engage in prohibited activities.
  • Concerns of impartiality or objectivity in testing.

Individuals who wish to report an incident may do so anonymously by submitting a report via the Hotline Tip portal.

Hotline Reporting Terms and Conditions

  1. CompTIA has no obligation to investigate the incident report submitted by you or take action with respect to any such incident unless expressly agreed elsewhere.
  2. Incident reports that include the reporting party’s name and contact information are more likely to be investigated by CompTIA.
  3. If further information is necessary to assist in CompTIA’s investigation, you agree that CompTIA may contact you and you will reasonably try to assist CompTIA in its information gathering efforts.
  4. Please submit only one report per incident.
  5. You warrant that, to the best of your knowledge, the information you have submitted is accurate.
If you have questions regarding training materials, please use the form found on the Unauthorized Training Materials page.