CompTIA Asks Councils and Communities for Help in Revamping Healthcare Tools

CompTIA will retire a handful of educational materials at the end of 2014 to freshen up its library and make room for better tools related to the fast-changing healthcare market. “Our initial take on healthcare IT didn’t fully embrace the exciting things that are happening in that market, so we’re going to go back to the drawing board with member help,” said Stephanie Morgan, CompTIA’s director of member education.

CompTIA will retire a handful of resources and materials at the end of the year to make room for better tools for the current IT landscape, including the fast-changing healthcare market. Members of TechAmerica and CompTIA’s Communities and Councils are on call to help the association create and launch a new set of offerings.

“Our initial take on healthcare IT didn’t fully embrace the exciting things that are happening in that market, so we’re going to go back to the drawing board with member help,” said Stephanie Morgan, CompTIA’s director of member education.

CompTIA will look to members of its Managed Services Community and the Health & Human Services IT Advisory Group (HSITAG) for insight on new materials related to healthcare and telehealth. Morgan hinted that the new materials would focus on emerging marketing opportunities rather than straight managed services — an attempt to avoid the compliance issues that change so rapidly the business tools are out of date by the time they’re released.

“We’re retiring things as part of our commitment to keep the information we provide to members current and relevant and actionable,” Morgan said. “We’re going to be bringing in new materials and cycling out the old a little more aggressively than we have in the past.”

Keeping the CompTIA library fresh will also help members find what they’re looking for more easily. The following items will be retired on Dec 31, 2014:

“And although we will retire these materials, it doesn’t mean we’ve shredded all the copies,” Morgan said. To access the archived material after Dec. 31, 2014, email Stephanie Morgan  or your CompTIA Community leader. Explore more of CompTIA’s tools and educational materials by paging through Insight & Tools.

Michelle Peterson is a communications specialist for CompTIA. 

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