CompTIA Donation Helps Cedar Rapids Students Connect

Many students in the diverse student body of Hoover Elementary in Cedar Rapids come from struggling families and nearly a quarter of their population is learning English for the first time. A donation from one of CompTIA’s member communities has been used on technology buys that will help students stay on track and help the school close its achievement gap.

Hoover Elementary in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, serves a diverse population of children, many of whom are learning English for the first time. In fact, one of the school’s greatest challenges is the language barrier between teachers and students — a challenge being at least partially helped along by a donation from one of CompTIA’s member communities.

A $5,000 donation from CompTIA’s Managed Print Services Community made it possible for the school to buy 10 iPads — an important educational purchase for a school that relies heavily on visuals as well as a Promethean board. The iPads can be connected to the board for group instruction, and used individually in one-on-one lessons.

“The iPads we have been able to purchase through our grant funding have helped our students have access to technology they otherwise wouldn’t be able to utilize,” said Clinton Stone, principal of Hoover Elementary. “This will help us close the achievement gap for our students, and ensure they aren’t left behind their peers in learning to navigate technology.”

Each year, CompTIA member communities make donations to deserving IT-related charities. Money for the donations comes from the Creating IT Futures Foundation, the philanthropic arm of CompTIA.

Hoover’s 400+ student population includes more than 90 English language learners, many who moved to the United States from Africa. Many of Hoover’s pre-kindergarten through fifth grade students come from struggling families — nearly 70 percent of its students receive free and reduced-price lunches.

CompTIA’s MPS Community brings together managed print service providers, distributors, OEMs, consultants and thought leaders to create beneficial tools and programs for managed print service providers.

“It is wonderful to see CompTIA, which is primarily geared toward professional development, make significant contributions to benefit the communities of its participating members,” said Tawnya Stone, a member of the CompTIA MPS Community’s Executive Council and director of strategic technology at GreatAmerica.”We spend so much time trying to make a different in the corporate world, it is refreshing so see efforts made improving the personal lives of those less fortunate.”

CompTIA’s MPS Community defines industry best practices, develops tools and templates, refines educational tracks for MPS providers and analyzes the industry as a whole. Members of this community strive for the improvement and development of the managed print service industry as a whole, while members advance the industry with their valuable contributions.

“The iPads have also provided us the opportunity to differentiate our instruction to meet the learning needs of all our students, and are being utilized throughout the building,” Stone. “By using the technology to meet our students where they are at, we are better able to ensure they will be successful.”

CompTIA Member Communities form the foundation of the association’s initiatives, programs, education and research. These member-driven groups collaborate to advance specific technologies, vertical markets or business segments that are vital to the IT industry. CompTIA Community members include IT professionals, vendors, distributors and thought leaders who work together on the issues and programs that will shape the future of the IT industry. Explore them all and find a community that you can to contribute to.

Michelle Peterson is a content creator and communications specialist for CompTIA.

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