The Role of Networking in Building a Tech Career

In the tech industry, durable skills like networking, leadership and communication are just as important as having strong technical skills. Here's a look at the benefits and 3 tips for effective networking.
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To start or advance an IT career, tech skills are essential. IT professionals should be aware of what hard skills are the most in-demand each year and strive to attain them. However, launching and maintaining a tech career takes more than simply learning the technical aspects of the job. Today’s IT pro also needs people skills.

Top candidates for IT positions and promotions aren’t just technically skilled, but also relationally skilled. The most effective, competitive tech workers put time and effort into professional networking.

The Benefits of Networking for IT Professionals

Professional networking is part of establishing a thriving career in tech and shouldn’t be overlooked or underestimated. It is necessary for all who work in IT.

You Learn About Job Opportunities

There are multiple ways networking benefits those in the IT field. First and foremost, networking helps IT pros by exposing them to job opportunities they wouldn’t have otherwise known of. It also makes them more visible to employers and recruiters seeking candidates with their skills. In fact, up to 85% of jobs are gained through networking.

You Learn New Skills

Networking also gives IT professionals insight into the rapidly changing trends in the tech field. This enables them to align their skills with industry trends and helps them become more relevant and employable.

You Gain a Support System

Another benefit of networking is that it provides IT professionals with a support system of peers. This is especially valuable in the post-covid business world where many people work remotely. An article published in 2022 by Morning Consult Pro stated that 48% of tech workers said they used a remote work model, and 85% claimed to either work remotely or use a hybrid work model. Although this provides flexibility, it also promotes social isolation and prevents knowledge sharing. Professional networking is one antidote to this.

You Grow Professionally

Networking also fosters professional growth. This is vital to IT workers. Technology changes daily, and technicians must adapt and change along with it. By providing workers with the opportunity to attend workshops, lectures, webinars and more, as well as share knowledge with their peers, networking puts professional growth well within the reach of any IT professional.

You Feel Better

Additionally, professional networking can help IT pros become more confident and healthier, as well as provide an outlet for them to offer a helping hand to others. “Forming bonds increases your mental and physical health,” an article The Benefits of Networking states. “Providing advice to others and helping them succeed can give you an emotional boost.”

3 Tips for Effective Networking

Professionals across all industries might intend to network but shy away from it because they don’t know where to start. This can be especially true for those who don’t consider themselves outgoing. But networking is for everyone and benefits all who put effort into it.

Here are a few ways you can become better at networking:

  1. Be active on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the top platform for networking. Creating an account and profile is free and the user-friendly interface makes it simple to link arms with old peers and make new contacts. Spending just 15 or 20 minutes a day interacting with others on LinkedIn can yield incredible results over the course of a year.
  2. Attend tech conferences and career fairs. Online professional networking is effective and convenient, but in-person networking is also important. Face-to-face interactions make building connections easier and can help IT pros establish strong relationships quickly. Some of the best in-person networking events to attend include tech conferences and career fairs.
  3. Join online forums and social media groups. LinkedIn isn’t the only online space where IT pros can find likeminded professionals to connect with. Contacts can also be made on IT-career-related social media groups and online forums. The more active you are on these platforms, the greater benefit you will get from them.

The key to becoming good at networking is consistency. Committing to spending a few minutes a day networking virtually as well as attending a couple of in-person events each year will grow your network and advance your career quicker than you may think.

Advocate for Yourself and Grow Your Career by Networking

IT workers who advocate for themselves via networking often build stronger careers, faster. And networking doesn’t just look like connecting primarily with new individuals. You can also network with friends and family members by sharing your career aspirations with them.

Your friends, family and acquaintances don’t know that you’re looking to grow or kickstart your IT career if you don’t tell them. You never know who might be able to help you network and make connections. It could easily be someone already in your circle, so self-advocate by making your career plans clear to those close to you.

Professional networking is a transferrable, durable skill. In the tech industry, possessing durable skills like networking, leadership and communication is just as important as having strong technical skills. Employers are seeking workers who are balanced and have a solid technical skill set as well as the ability to relate well to others. By taking small steps daily toward building a professional network, IT workers can become the balanced, competitive job candidates hiring managers are seeking.

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