Why tech fundamentals are an essential part of every student’s education

By integrating tech fundamentals and digital literacy skills into secondary education, students can get the skills they need to thrive in today’s digital world and their future careers.

AcademicSE_Value-of-Tech-Fundamentals_Blog_Thumbnail Image - 1As technology continues to transform our world and our workforce, digital literacy and basic tech skills have become as essential as reading and writing in setting secondary students up for future success. According to the National Skills Coalition, 92% of jobs require digital skills, yet many workers find themselves navigating the working world with low or no digital skills.1 At CompTIA, we’ve made it our mission to highlight the necessity of basic tech skills for all students, not just those interested in tech occupations. 

Prepare your students for success in any industry

Whether your students are already dreaming about their future career path or are still unsure about the passion they hope to pursue, incorporating tech fundamentals will help prepare them for their future in the modern workforce. In fact, many entry-level positions in customer service, sales, marketing, and operations across various sectors now include basic tech skills as a prerequisite.  

  • Workers that qualify for jobs that require even one digital skill can earn an average of 23% more than in a job requiring no digital skills.2 

  • Moving from a job that requires no digital skills to one that requires at least three can increase pay by an average of 45%.3  

The demand for basic tech skills is seen across every industry, including agriculture, trades, healthcare, and more. Here are few examples of how tech plays a role in a diverse range of career paths: 

  • Agriculture: Modern farming requires using technology relating to precision agriculture, data analysis, and automated machinery.  

  • Trades: Many trades manage their inventory and navigate supply chain issues using cloud-based technology. 

  • Healthcare: Nursing and other healthcare roles need to navigate electronic health records (EHRs), telemedicine, and medical devices.   

Boost problem solving and critical thinking skills  

Integrating tech into education goes far beyond teaching students about technology. It also helps students develop stronger critical thinking skills by challenging students to solve problems in new ways. It can also inspire students to become creators and builders who innovate, instead of just users who consume tech.  

Close the digital divide and help all students pursue their post-secondary dreams  

Many students don’t have access to the technology, tools or resources they need to build basic digital literacy or foundational tech skills. By including tech fundamentals in secondary education environments, all your students can develop the knowledge they need to succeed in today’s digital world, regardless of their background, if they decide to go to college or self-study CompTIA’s extensive certification pathway opportunities.  

Help students understand the technology that’s an everyday part of their lives

From online banking and smart devices to social media and smartphones, technology is everywhere in our everyday lives, so it’s important for students to understand privacy, security, and the impact of their digital footprint. By understanding the basics of how these technologies work, students can use them safely and effectively. 

CompTIA Tech+ gives your students a strong foundation in technology  

CompTIA Tech+ is the only courseware and certification that covers all areas of tech foundations, including hands-on skills as well as how to set up a computer and secure a small wireless network. Tech+ also introduces emerging tech concepts like artificial intelligence, robotics, quantum computing and more. After completing CompTIA Tech+, your students will better know if they want to pursue a career in tech.  

Here’s a quick look at CompTIA Tech+ covers: 

  • IT concepts and terminology: The essentials of computing, data significance, and problem-solving 

  • Infrastructure: How to manage devices and networks securely 

  • Applications and software: How software applications and operating systems work 

  • Software development: The basics of coding and software creation 

  • Database fundamentals: An introduction to data management and database interfacing  

  • Security: Insights into safeguarding digital information and privacy protection  

In today's world, tech education is essential for all students 

Technology is constantly evolving and will continue to transform the demands of the workforce. Integrating tech into education helps students get the vital skills and knowledge they need to succeed in any path they choose. By giving your students a foundation in tech, they'll have the necessary skills they need to navigate the future – and build a brighter one. 

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