Why Should I Get CompTIA ITF+ Certified?

CompTIA IT Fundamentals (ITF+) is the industry standard for an introduction to basic IT knowledge and skills. CompTIA ITF+ establishes an IT education framework for students in middle school and high school and for career changers looking to get into IT. CompTIA ITF+ is the only pre-career certification that helps students or career changers determine if they have a competency for information technology and if it is the right career path for them. Not only that, but CompTIA ITF+ is the only single certification that covers all areas of IT foundations making it ideal for non-technical professionals.

Top Reasons to Get CompTIA ITF+ Certified

Ready for a Career in IT?

CompTIA now offers a number of exam training options for CompTIA ITF+ to fit your particular learning style and schedule, many of which may be used in combination with each other as you prepare for your exam.

There’s a wealth of information to take you from deciding if CompTIA IT Fundamentals+ is right for you, all the way to taking your exam. We’re with you every step of the way!