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Eileen Ristau Tauchman's Posts

Freelance Marketing Professional

Eileen Ristau Tauchman is a freelance marketing professional from the Chicagoland area that specializes in IT marketing. Eileen has a bachelor’s degree in marketing from Bradley University in Peoria, IL, and has worked with CompTIA since 2014.

  • Cybersecurity Jobs: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know

    Oct 11, 2019, 10:30 AM by Eileen Ristau Tauchman
    Learn about the different types of cybersecurity jobs and salaries and how to start your cybersecurity career.
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  • Big Data Jobs: 3 IT Areas That Use Big Data

    May 31, 2019, 15:52 PM by Eileen Ristau Tauchman
    If you like big data, you may be wondering what kinds of jobs use it. We’ve broken down three IT career paths related to big data and the type of tasks that use it.
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  • 4 Big Data Challenges and How to Overcome Them

    May 15, 2019, 09:59 AM by Eileen Ristau Tauchman
    Now that you understand what big data is, it’s time to dive into some of the challenges organizations face in collecting, managing and analyzing big data. Because big data can be such an asset to your business, it’s important to not be intimidated by these challenges.
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  • The Government Shutdown: Upskill in Your Downtime

    Jan 14, 2019, 15:28 PM by Eileen Ristau Tauchman
    Whether you’re furloughed, laid off or out of work for another reason, you might find yourself with time on your hands. You might also be wondering if it’s time to change careers. If the answer to that is yes, a career in IT could be a great option for you.
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  • Pack Your Bags: The Best U.S. Cities to Live, Work and Play as an IT Pro

    Jan 7, 2019, 22:41 PM by Eileen Ristau Tauchman
    Have you considered moving to a completely new city where you can thrive in your career and enjoy the lifestyle too? Check out our list of the best towns for IT pros that are not only great places to live, but also great place to work in the technology field.
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  • Dig In: 3 Tech Towns for IT Pros Who Love Food

    Dec 14, 2018, 12:11 PM by Eileen Ristau Tauchman
    Whether it’s trying out the new trendy spot or revisiting your favorite place for the millionth time, restaurants bring people together – and living in an area with awesome cuisine is extremely desirable. Check out these three Tech Towns that also have great food scenes.
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